Rubber Bead - Volume Bead

  • The ultimate option to create a huge volumed and ultralight streamer
  • You will need less material than ever!
  • Cut it in half, place it on the hook and tie down your curly creature hair against the cutted bead surface.
  • Super durable rubber, it even resists the toughest superglue
  • The hair will explode and creates a nice hollow bodyshape
  • Choose 4mm for really small craft fur streamers
  • Choose 5mm, 6mm, 7mm and 8 mm depending on the volume and size you want to create! Up to 10" flies possible!
  • Cast your ultralight streamers, even the big ones, like a dryfly!!


Check out the video below and see how its done!


2,49 €

  • genug vorhanden
  • 3 - 5 Tage Lieferzeit

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  • Hochwertige Köder
  • handgefertigt in Deutschland
  • Hochwertiges Material
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